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1 中国文化 —— 大运河(杭州段) Having existed for over 2000 years and spanning more than 2000 kilometers, it is a marvel of ancient engineering that was constructed over a period spanning multiple different dynasties, and with its water, flows the history of the cities it passes through. With generation after generation of people having been born and raised besides it, the Grand Canal has nurtured the cultures along its banks for thousands of years. My name is Chantal, and I come from South Africa. My name is Tom. I’m from the UK. So what exactly makes the Grand Canal so special? Let’s find out together! 穿过2000多年的历史,跨越2000多公里的距离,它是历朝历代的工程奇迹,也是穿城而过的悠悠岁月。千年大运河孕育着生生不息的运河文化,一代又一代的人们在运河边出生成长。我叫白晓雪,来自南非。我叫汤姆,来自英国。这条古老的大运河究竟有什么样的魅力?让我们一起去感受吧! In June, 2014, at the 38th Session of the World Heritage Committee, China’s Grand Canal was listed as a World Heritage site. This successful inclusion on the World Heritage List brought the Grand Canal to the world’s attention once again. As early as 2005, mayors of 18 cities along the canal received a letter suggesting that they apply for the Grand Canal to be listed as a World Heritage site. Afterwards, a campaign by these cities to bid for a place on the World Heritage List began. 2014 年 6 月,在第 38 届世界遗产委员会会议上,中国大运河获准列入《世界遗产名录》。大运河的成功申遗让这项物质文化遗产瑰宝重新回到国际的视野。早在 2005 年,大运河沿岸 18 座城市的市长都收到了一封关于大运河申遗的建议信。此后,一项沿河众城市携手申遗的序幕缓缓拉开。

   This semester, I plan to assign my students some homework about the Grand Canal. So today, I’ve come here to talk to Zhu Bingren, who is one of the three people who applied for the Grand Canal to be listed on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. 这学期,我准备给学生们布置一些关于大运河的作业。所以今天,我找到了大运河申遗的发起人,“运河三老”之一的朱炳仁。

   The Grand Canal is one of the world’s longest, largest and oldest canals. With a length about nine times that of the Suez Canal and twenty times that of the Panama Canal, it (the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal) is listed as one of the world’s four grandest ancient engineering projects, and (the Grand Canal is) the cultural heritage that is still “flowing, functioning, and bringing value to the world”. 中国大运河是世界上里程最长、工程最大、最古老的运河之一,其中京杭大运河的长度约为苏伊士运河的 9 倍,巴拿马运河的 20 倍,京杭大运河是世界古代最宏伟的四大工程之一,而中国大运河更被誉为“迄今仍活着、流动着,并发挥其价值的文化遗产”。

   The Grand Canal runs from Beijing in the north to Zhejiang Province in the south, passing through two municipalities and six provinces, and connecting the five major river systems. Since it was built, it has been an important waterway connecting 2 the northern and southern parts of China. The canal was used to send goods to places all over the country, and to send grain to the central government as a form of tax. 中国大运河北起北京,南达浙江,流经 2 个直辖市及 6 个省,串联五大水系,自开凿起,就一直是沟通南北的黄金水道。政府的漕粮、民间的商货在运河上川流不息,沿着运河输送到各个地方。

   In the eyes of the Italian explorer, Marco Polo, Hangzhou was the “City of Heaven”, the most beautiful and magnificent city in the world. Like Venice, the city also has a canal which makes it a perfect place for business and trade. 在意大利旅行家马可·波罗眼中,杭州是世界上最美丽、最华贵的“天城”。这座城市像威尼斯一样有运河,是最好的商贸之地。

   In order to maintain the features of the old factories next to the canal, the Hangzhou government used advanced conservation methods pioneered by other countries to turn these old factories into a group of museums. And because of these restoration(s), this district has one of the highest concentrations of museums in the whole country. 为了保护运河附近的老厂房风貌,杭州秉承国际上先进的保护理念,将原来的运河边的老厂房改建,建成了博物馆群落,这也使其成为全国博物馆最集中的地区之一。

   The river has been running for thousands of years, all the while passing down millennia of accumulated heritage. Wangxingji fans, Zhangxiaoquan scissors, West Lake silk umbrellas, and bronze sculptures…These are all important examples of Hangzhou’s (intangible) cultural heritage, representing the traditional handcrafts that the city takes pride in. They often function as gifts to guests from all over the world and are collected by museums, serving as a bridge for cultural communication between China and other countries. 滔滔运河水带走千年光阴,也留下无数“遗产”与百姓相依相偎。王星记扇子、张小泉剪刀、西湖绸伞、铜雕技艺……它们都是杭州这座城市重要的非物质文化遗产,是杭州传统工艺的骄傲和代表,也常常被作为礼物送给世界各方来客且为各地博物馆所收藏,成为中外文化交流的桥梁。

   Wu Liren is known as “the champion of painting the stories of Hangzhou”. 默默坚守运河文化的民俗画家吴理人被誉为“画说杭州第一人”。

   Generations of artists have stayed in Hangzhou and drawn inspiration from the land. They have told all kinds of stories alongside the canal in various artistic forms. Perhaps, this is the secret of the everlasting prosperity of Hangzhou’s cultural heritage. 一代又一代的人坚守在杭州这片热土,汲取养分获得灵感。他们用不同的艺术形式诉说着大运河畔的悲欢离合,记录杭州历史的变迁。这也许就是杭州文化长盛不衰的秘密所在。

   3 Not only is the Grand Canal unfathomably large, it has also born witness to countless things. For centuries, Gongchen Bridge has proudly presented the magnificent canal and witnessed the innumerable changes along its banks. Nowadays, when taking the boat along the ancient Grand Canal, you can see row upon row of skyscrapers on both sides and ancient bridges spanning from one bank to the other. The old canal welcomes tourists from all over the world with a new look. Hangzhou, a shining pearl at the south end of the Grand Canal, has become a window to display the charm of Chinese culture to the world. 一条大运河,古今多少事。几百年来,拱宸桥自信地向世人展示着运河博大恢弘的气魄,见证着中国大运河的历史变迁和风云变幻。如今,坐着游船穿行在古老的大运河上,两岸高楼林立,古桥横跨。古老的运河正以全新的姿态迎接来自全世界的游客。杭州,大运河南端一颗璀璨的明珠,正在成为向世界展示中华文化魅力的重要窗口。

   Q1: Which of the following is NOT included in the video?(单选题) A. The time when the Grand Canal was listed as a World Heritage site. B. The dynasty during which the Grand Canal was built. C. Some intangible cultural heritage in Hangzhou. 答案:B Q2: 请跟读下面视频内容的节选。

  Nowadays, when taking the boat along the ancient Grand Canal, you can see row upon row of skyscrapers on both sides and ancient bridges spanning from one bank to the other. The old canal welcomes tourists from all over the world with a new look. Hangzhou, a shining pearl at the south end of the Grand Canal, has become a window to display the charm of Chinese culture to the world.

推荐访问:标签 大运河 杭州 高中英语《中国文化——大运河(杭州段)》 英语介绍京杭大运河





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